Welcome to

The church in Cheney


…the house of God, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and base of the truth.
-1 Tim 3:15

The church in Cheney

It’s not our name, it’s our description. As such, it’s an inclusive title, not an exclusive one. We gather together simply as believers of the Lord Jesus in the city of Cheney, and we receive as our brothers and sisters all who believe in Jesus Christ. Likewise, we warmly welcome guests and visitors who are not Christians.

We highly treasure the Holy Bible as God’s revelation of Himself and of His eternal purpose. We hold the common faith which is revealed in the Bible and is common to all genuine believers.

As is true of all believers in Christ, we are members of His one Body, the church. In order to practice the oneness of the Body with all the Christians in Cheney, we meet as the church in Cheney. We are in fellowship with thousands of local churches worldwide to express the one Body of Christ.